Constructing Hainan folk song piano accompaniment guidebook for music performance major student at Hainan Tropical Ocean University, Sanya City, Hainan Province

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Mao Yujuan
Chutasiri Yodwised
Kampanat Gatemean


          The purpose of this study are: (1) To study Hainan folk song from key informant.        (2) To create Hainan folk song piano accompaniment guidebook. (3)To use Hainan folk song guidebook with music performance major. (4)To evaluate the result of guidebook.
           This study adopted a mixed research method, qualitative research and quantitative research, and selected 23 students from the music performance major of Hainan Tropical Ocean University as experimental subjects to conduct a teaching experiment of Hainan folk songs and piano accompaniment. The researcher used qualitative research methods to interview experts, observing the learning status of sophomore students majoring in music performance at Hainan Tropical Ocean University. During the development phase, quantitative analysis methods describe the experimental design and statistically analyze the conclusions. This article analyzes the effect of students using the Hainan Folk Song Piano Accompaniment Guide through three formative tests and summative tests.

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