The Role of Primary School Principals and Administrators in Promoting Student Achievement, Teacher Effectiveness, and a Positive School Culture

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Wei Lijun
Hsin Chun Te


            The objectives of this research were: 1) to investigate the impact of school leadership on student achievement; 2) to explore strategies utilized by school leaders to enhance teacher effectiveness; and 3) to examine the role of school leaders in fostering positive school cultures. The sample consisted of a comprehensive review of existing literature on school leadership, teacher effectiveness, and school culture. They were selected by a systematic search of relevant databases, libraries, and scholarly journals in the field of education. The research instrument for data collection was a thorough literature review methodology. The statistics for data analysis included qualitative synthesis and thematic analysis of the collected literature.
           The research results were found as follows: 1) Effective school leadership significantly influences student achievement through setting high expectations, creating supportive learning environments, and implementing strategic plans. 2) Strategies such as providing continuous professional development, promoting collaborative leadership, implementing evaluation and feedback mechanisms, and creating a positive school culture enhance teacher effectiveness. 3) School leaders play a crucial role in shaping positive school cultures by acting as cultural stewards, promoting inclusive practices, and fostering a sense of community and shared values.
           Suggestions based on these findings include: 1) Implement leadership development programs focusing on instructional leadership and cultural stewardship. 2) Encourage adaptive leadership approaches to address the challenges of educational transformation. 3) Prioritize the creation of supportive and inclusive school environments that value diversity and promote open communication among all stakeholders.

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