The Research on Chinese International Communication Strategies Based on the Diffusion of Innovations Theory: The Case of Confucius Institutes in Thailand

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Xiao Jia
Liu Xu


           This study explores Chinese international communication strategies based on the perspective of the diffusion of innovations theory. Adopting the questionnaire survey method and the interview method, five representative Confucius Institutes in Thailand were selected as case studies, and 129 valid questionnaires were collected based on the distribution and the number of Chinese learners using stratified sampling. At the same time, 20 international Chinese teachers and 5 experts in the field of Chinese international communication were selected for semi-structured interviews, which were mainly conducted in the form of a combination of face-to-face offline interviews and online interviews such as WeChat and emails. We investigated and understood the current situation of Chinese communication in Confucius Institutes in Thailand, fully considered the influence of factors in the communication environment, and combined with the theoretical framework of diffusion of innovations to summarize the main factors affecting the international communication of Chinese in Confucius Institutes in Thailand. The results of the survey found that Chinese international communication has appeared the characteristics and trends of popularization of communication subjects, diversification of communication contents, diversification of communication targets, digitalization of communication channels, and complexity of communication motives. Based on the theory of diffusion of innovations and the analysis of the current situation of communication, we have come up with the suggestions on the strategy of Chinese international communication: expanding the main body of communication and opening up the pattern of communication; selecting high-quality content and enhancing the value of communication; identifying the audience of communication and enhancing the efficiency of communication; enriching the channels of communication and accelerating the speed of communication; and perfecting the system of communication and optimizing the effect of communication.

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