The Current Status of Chinese Language Education Policy and Development in Saudi Arabia

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Ruonan Cao
Guo Jing


           The paper systematically explores the current development of the Chinese language education policy in Saudi Arabia and the effects of its implementation. Using qualitative research methods, the study analyzes the background and key elements of Saudi Arabia's Chinese language education policy through literature analysis and case studies, and describes the implementation of the policy at primary, secondary, and higher education levels, with a special focus on the progress of Chinese language curricula, teacher training, and textbook development. The study finds that Saudi Arabia has made some progress in the implementation of its Chinese language education policy, but still faces major challenges such as teacher shortages, insufficiently adapted teaching materials, and unbalanced regional development. Based on these findings, this paper proposes policy improvement recommendations and teaching practice strategies, such as strengthening teacher training, developing localized teaching materials, and expanding the coverage of the Chinese language curriculum, with a view to providing theoretical support and empirical evidence for the sustainable development of Chinese language education in Saudi Arabia. This study aims to provide references and lessons for Chinese language education policy formulation and implementation in Saudi Arabia and other countries.

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