The Interactive Study of Teachers Mental Health and Digital Literacy in the Field of International Chinese Language Education

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Fang Wang
Guo Jing


          With the advent of the digital era, International Chinese Language teachers are also faced with diversified, multi-level, and diverse teaching objects and environments, and thus need to possess strong digital literacy and psychological resilience to adapt to Chinese language teaching and learning in the digital environment. The purposes of this paper are to explore the relationship between digital literacy and mental health of International Chinese Language Teachers, and to give suggestions related to the improvement of digital literacy of international Chinese language teachers based on the findings of the study. Many studies found that teachers' mental health was linked to individual teachers' professional development and teacher behavior.
          This paper uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The Digital Literacy Questionnaire mainly based on DigCompEdu by EU and the SCL-90 Mental Health Questionnaire are adopted and forwarded to 580 International Chinese Language teachers to complete through the SoJump platform. Next, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis are performed on the collected data through SPSS26.

The results of the study find that there is a significant positive correlation between International Chinese Language teachers' digital literacy and mental health, and teachers' mental health has a positive predictive effect on digital literacy, suggesting that the emphasis on mental health should be strengthened when developing teachers' digital literacy.
           In summary, teachers with good mental health are able to face the challenges of new technologies more positively, take the initiative to learn digital skills and improve their digital literacy. It’s better to take mental health more into account when improving the digital literacy of international Chinese language teachers

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