The Impact of Customer Relationship Management, Digitalization, Green Practices, and Serive Responsiveness on Consumers' Revisit Intentions in Homestays in China

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Tianshu Fu
Umawasee Sriboonlue
Suraporn Onputtha


          This study examines the impact of customer relationship management, digitalization, green practices, and responsiveness on consumers' intention to revisit homestays. A quantitative research approach was employed, surveying homestay consumers in Hunan Province. Data collected through questionnaires were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). Results indicate that all four variables significantly influence consumers' revisit intention, with responsiveness mediating the relationship between the other factors and revisit intention. The findings provide valuable insights for homestay operators, suggesting that enhancing customer relationship management, improving digital services, implementing environmental measures, and focusing on responsiveness can effectively increase consumers' likelihood of returning. Additionally, promoting a positive online reputation can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty while attracting potential consumers. These strategies contribute to the sustainable development of the homestay industry by optimizing management practices and enhancing overall service quality.

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