Ancient Intangible Cultural Heritage Assets and Inventive Materials for Making Paper-Cutting Arts at Zhangpu’s Communities, Fujian Province of the PRC

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Bao Li Cui Potisaen
Vuthipong Roadkasamsri


   The objectives of this research were: 1). To analyze the research instruments with the young and elderly people's perceptions of their intangible cultural heritage assets, cultural paper-making materials toward their archaeological ancient heritage assets, and their paper-cutting art material heritage at Zhangpu Communities in Fujian Province of the PR China.   2). To compare young and elderly people's perceptions of their intangible cultural heritage assets, cultural paper-making materials toward their archaeological ancient heritage assets, and their paper-cutting art material heritage attitudes at Zhangpu Communities in Fujian Province of the PRC. 3). To associate young and elderly people's perceptions of their intangible cultural heritage assets, cultural paper-making materials toward their archaeological ancient heritage assets, and their paper-cutting art material heritage attitudes at Zhangpu Communities in Fujian Province of the PRC. The sample consisted of Selected    50-personnel young people and 50-personnel elderly people whose ages were 20 years old to 60 years old, a total of 100 people. They were selected by purposive sampling random. The research instruments for the data collection were the 60-item Questionnaire on Intangible Cultural Heritage Asset Inventory (QICHAI), the 30-item Questionnaire on Cultural Paper-making Material Heritage Inventory (QMHAI), the 10-item Archaeological Ancient Heritage Asset Attitude (AAHAA), and the 10-item Paper-Cutting Art Heritage Attitude (PCAHA) questionnaires were assessed the target groups perceptions on five options including Very Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, and Very Disagree levels. Statistically, significance was analyzed with scale means, standard deviation, and F-test, using internal consistency (Cronbach alpha reliability) coefficient was tested the research instruments’ reliability and validity, scale average means were compared with a t-test value, variables were associated with simple and multiple correlations, standardized regression weight, coefficient determination indicated of predictive values of data analysis were provided.
          The research results were found as follows; 1. Most of the four research instruments are valid and reliable.  2. Comparisons between young and elderly people's perceptions of their intangible cultural heritage assets, cultural paper-making materials toward their archaeological ancient heritage assets, and their paper-cutting art material heritage attitudes are differentiated significantly (p<.05) between two groups for the 12-scale, 6-scale for the QMHAI. 3. Associations between Young and Elderly People’s Perceptions of Intangible Cultural Heritage Ancient Assets (QICHAI) with Archaeological Ancient Heritage Asset Attitudes (AAHAA), and Plant Tyles Cultural Paper-making Material Heritage Assets (QPMHI) with Paper-Cutting Art Heritage Attitudes (AAHAA) attitudes were correlated with simple and multiple correlations, regression coefficient at .05, significantly, The predictive R2 values indicated that of 53% and 60% of the variance in their attitudes to their twelve ancient intangible cultural heritage assets were attributable to their perceptions, and associate that 57% and 65% of the variance in their attitudes to their six cultural paper-making material heritage were attributable to their perceptions for the young and elderly people’s responses, respectively. The suggestion of findings that the two totalized profiles related to research in that a variety of this study has indicated that elderly people have more positive opinions of their intangible cultural heritage assets than young people.

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