A study of factors influencing university volunteer support for the 31st FISU World University Games

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Zhao Zongheng
Wiradee Eakronnarongchai
Ekasak Hengsuko


           The success of many international sports events is inseparable from the special group of college volunteers, and the higher the support of college volunteers for international sports events, the better the success of sports events. Therefore, how to improve the support of college volunteers to international sports events, and the study of its influencing factors is particularly important.
           Purpose of the study to a study of university volunteers’ support for 31st FISU World University Games and influencing factors, this study randomly sampled 527 volunteers from more than 18,000 university volunteers as survey respondents and used the literature method, questionnaire survey method, mathematical analysis method, and other research methods to research the support of university volunteers to the 31st World University Summer Games and its influencing factors. Firstly, the independent sample T-test and one-way ANOVA were employed to analyze the impact of different demographic characteristics of university volunteers on the 31st World University Summer Games. Subsequently, correlation analysis was conducted to investigate the correlation between the support and its influencing factors among university volunteers for the 31st World University Summer Games.
           The results ifound that:
           1) The gender and positions of university volunteers did not have a significant impact on their support for the 31st World University Summer Games;
           2) The majors, grades, monthly living expenses, service motivation, and behavioral attitudes of university volunteers significantly influenced their support for the 31st World University Summer Games.
          And draws the following conclusions:
1. Higher education volunteers show high support for the 31st World University Summer Games.
2. Economic level of university volunteers as a key factor influencing support for international sporting events.
3. Behavioural attitudes of university volunteers towards support for international sporting events are biased towards the physical dimension.
4. The influence of university volunteers' motivation to serve on support for international sporting events is biased in favour of the material dimension


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