Studying Bloom's Taxonomy for constructing Vocal Music Guidebook for Teaching 1st Year Vocal Students at Shangqiu Normal University, Henan Province, China

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Shi Xiaoping
Rujee Srisombut


          With the rapid development of the times and the fusion and exchange of cultures from different countries, quality education in China is facing new challenges and opportunities. Vocal music educators are eager to find ways to improve the quality of education in order to better adapt to the trend of the globalisation era. Teachers are eager to find quality vocal teaching methods. guidebook's assessment results are positive, which reveal the direction of vocal educators' teaching efforts and provide a model for vocal teaching. It has contributed to the development and progress of vocal teaching in China, and has provided a favourable tool for the cultivation of well-rounded vocal talents.
          This research used mixed method. By studying the literature and interviewing 3 key informants. Guidebook was created and approved by experts. Practised and tested on a sample of 10 first year vocal students from Shangqiu Normal University. The research tools included: observation, interview, document analysis, experiment, evaluation, and IOC. The researcher analysed the relevant data information to draw conclusions.
          Through an in-depth study of the literature related to Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and in-depth interviews with three key informants, the researcher successfully created a textbook titled A Guide to Teaching the Fundamentals of Vocal Music at Shangqiu Normal University. In the literature study, the researcher systematically organised the theoretical knowledge of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, while rich practical teaching experience was accumulated through key informant interviews and classroom observations. Under the careful guidance of the three experts, the teaching guidebook contains a foreword, a brief introduction to Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, a curriculum, a detailed teaching guide, a complete syllabus, specific lesson plans, comprehensive evaluation criteria, and relevant music scores. This guide book is designed to provide a teaching reference for first-year voice teachers, helping them to guide their students to clarify their learning goals, develop comprehensive music literacy, and improve their singing skills. With systematic theoretical support and rich practical experience, this guidebook will become an important tool for vocal music teaching, providing students with a more comprehensive and effective learning experience.


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