Enhancing Customer Satisfaction Through Innovation Consciousness, Service Innovation, and Total Quality Management

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Jin Zongjing
Guo Hui


         Purpose: To explore the impact of innovation consciousness, service innovation and total quality management on customer satisfaction, and test data analysis results show that: 1) The innovation consciousness scale, service innovation scale and total quality management scale have good reliability and validity, and can be used to accurately evaluate the innovation consciousness and service innovation level of enterprises; 2) Innovation awareness has a significant positive impact on service innovation. ; 3) Innovation consciousness has a significant positive impact on total quality management. 4) Innovation awareness has a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction. 5) Service innovation has a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction. 6) Total quality management has a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction. 7) Service innovation plays an intermediary role in the relationship between innovation awareness and customer satisfaction. 8) Total quality management plays an intermediary role between innovation awareness and customer satisfaction. Finally, it is revealed that: 1) Enterprise leaders should attach great importance to the concept of innovation and service; 2) Enterprises should establish a sound innovation reward mechanism to encourage employees to transform innovation consciousness into practical innovation actions.

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