The New Ideas for Chinese Children's Piano Composition in the New Era

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Qin Zhou
Lin Neng-jie


            As a cultural carrier, music has social functions such as shaping cultural symbols, constructing cultural images, and spreading cultural concepts. Since the reform and opening up, China's society has undergone earth-shaking changes. Under the background of emancipating the mind and updating concepts, new artistic trends have emerged in Chinese music creation, and a number of excellent piano works with new styles have been created. The piano collection "Children's Heart Pursuing Dreams" (edited by Zhou Qin) is based on folk opera, national tunes, game animations, free dislocation, fugue variations, and longing for music elements. It expresses the pure emotions and unique imagination of Chinese children in the new era and is a window for the concentrated display of outstanding achievements in contemporary Chinese piano music since the reform and opening up. This collection brings together composers from the old, middle, and young generations of China who adhere to the creative path of combining timeliness and nationality under the guidance of clear Chinese piano music development concepts and artistic pursuits. The expressive elements of traditional Chinese music have become the main body of the musical language of contemporary piano works. In terms of subject matter selection, artistic conception pursuit, and technique application, it demonstrates a new way of music creation that integrates diverse, multi-directional, and varied exploration of the nation and the world.

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