Environmental Factors Affecting Teacher Resilience in Special Education: A Systematic Review and SWOT Analysis

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Yanzhu Chen
Guangle Qiu


          The high mobility of special education teachers as a result of the various dilemmas encountered in schools is not conducive to the learning and living of children with special needs in schools. To improve teacher resilience that contributes to greater teacher stability by improving the environment, this research seeks for environmental factors that favor the development of growth in teacher resilience. A total of 29 papers that met the authors' requirements were conducted with System Analysis and approximately 33 variables were identified to have influences on teacher resilience. The 33 variables were furthermore used for SWTO Analysis to derive the environmental factors. The results showed that School organizational climate, Professional study plan, School leadership support, Working conditions, Relationship trust among colleagues, Social support, and Teacher professional development can lead to the growth and development of teacher resilience.


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How to Cite
Chen, Y. ., & Qiu, G. . (2024). Environmental Factors Affecting Teacher Resilience in Special Education: A Systematic Review and SWOT Analysis. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 9(8), 1512–1523. สืบค้น จาก https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JRKSA/article/view/271204


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