Current situation and Problems of Practical Approach of Basic Bamboo Flute for in Primary 1 student at Changsha Yuelu District No1. School

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Chen Sai
Nataporn Rattachaiwong


          The purposes of this research were to Study Current situation and Problems of Practical Approach of Basic Bamboo Flute for in Primary 1 student at Changsha Yuelu District No1. School, the research methodology was qualitative research by using interview and observation method.
          The result found that the practical approach is an important learning medium, vital in the teaching and learning process, especially for skill-based subjects. It aids teachers in imparting knowledge more easily and stimulates students to take a keener interest in learning. When teaching the bamboo flute to Primary 1 students, addressing challenges problem such as attention span, motor skills development, patience, instrument size, breath control, engagement, individual pace, and maintenance awareness through a well-structured, supportive, and age-appropriate approach can create an environment conducive to effective learning and enjoyment of playing the bamboo flute.


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