The Key Success Factors of Sino-Foreign Educational Cooperation in Art Colleges and Universities Under Liaoning Province

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Guo Sen


          Driven by economic globalization and increasing social demand, Sino-foreign cooperative education has expanded rapidly. Yet, the overall quality and impact of such initiatives across the country remain modest. The efficacy of Sino-Foreign educational cooperation is contingent not only on the stringent management of educational administrative bodies and comprehensive legal frameworks but also on the internal management and operations of the institutions themselves. While external improvements take time, individual institutions can rapidly enhance their educational quality by optimizing internal factors.
          The objectives of this research were:(1) to explore key success factors of Sino-Foreign educational cooperation in art colleges and universities under Liaoning Province; and (2) to verify key success factors of Sino-Foreign educational cooperation in art colleges and universities under Liaoning Province; and (3) to develop managerial guidelines for Sino-Foreign educational cooperation in art colleges and universities under Liaoning Province.
          The research was a mixed methodology research.  Population was the research consisted of 236 college administrators1876 teachers in 5 colleges and universities under Liaoning Province the People's Republic of China, totalling 2112. The sample size was determined by Krejcie and Morgan's Table (1970), obtained by stratified random sampling technique sampling method, totalling 325. The key informants were composed of 15key informants, including Chinese senior administrators of Sino-Foreign educational cooperation in art colleges and universities, Foreign senior administrators of Sino-Foreign educational cooperation in art colleges and universities, teachers from Sino-Foreign educational cooperation,and policy maker from the government education department, obtained by purposive sampling method. The instruments used for data collection were a semi-structured interview form, a five-point rating scale questionnaire, and a Focus Group Discussion form. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, Standard Deviation and Exploratory Factor Analysis, as well as the content analysis was employed.
          The research findings revealed that: (1) there were seven components and 96 variables of key success factors of Sino-Foreign educational cooperation in art colleges and universities under Liaoning Province. (2) verified the 96 variables that are the key success factors of Sino-Foreign educational cooperation in art colleges and universities under Liaoning Province; and (3) there were total of 31 managerial guidelines of Sino-Foreign educational cooperation in art colleges and universities under Liaoning Province.
          Based on these findings, the study concludes that a robust understanding and implementation of the identified variables and managerial guidelines are crucial for maximizing the success of Sino-Foreign educational collaborations in art colleges and universities under Liaoning Province. This comprehensive framework not only facilitates better management practices but also enhances the overall quality and effectiveness of these cooperative educational programs.

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How to Cite
Guo Sen. (2024). The Key Success Factors of Sino-Foreign Educational Cooperation in Art Colleges and Universities Under Liaoning Province. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 9(11), 148–164. สืบค้น จาก


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