The Water Etiquette: A Comparative Analysis of the Water Splashing Festival in China and Thailand from the Perspective of Cultural Ecology

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Hao Minqi
Wang Meiyu


          The goals of this study are: 1) to explore the evolution and influence of "Songkran Festival" and "Water Splashing Festival" in Chinese and Thai culture; 2) to comparatively analyze the similarities and differences of these two festivals in different cultural environments; 3) to study the impact of Songkran Festival on The impact of local ecological environment and its relationship with social interaction. The sample included people participating in Songkran celebrations, who were selected by community and cultural groups. The research instruments for data collection were questionnaires and participant observation. The methods used for data analysis included qualitative and quantitative analysis. The research results are as follows: 1) In China and Thailand, the Water Splashing Festival has become an important traditional celebration, replacing the traditional New Year celebration. 2) Through comparative analysis, it was found that although the Water Splashing Festival has different historical origins and cultural connotations in the two countries, they both embody the common theme of celebrating harvest and praying for blessings. 3) The Water Splashing Festival has a positive impact on the local ecological environment and promotes the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Based on the research results, this article puts forward research suggestions: Through comparative analysis, we can better understand and protect this traditional cultural activity, promote its organic integration with contemporary society, and realize the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture.

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