The Enhancing Critical Reading Skills Through Instruction: A Combination of Guided Discovery Learning and Metacognitive Strategies

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Thanachaporn Pumpachart
Prangsai Tiangtrong


          This paper explores the integration of guided discovery learning (GDL) and metacognitive strategies as a novel approach to enhancing critical reading skills among students in educational settings. Drawing on the literature on critical reading, GDL, and metacognitive strategies, the paper examines the theoretical foundations and practical implications of each component. Guided discovery learning emphasizes active exploration and problem-solving, while metacognitive strategies promote self-awareness and regulation of cognitive processes. By integrating these approaches, educators can create a comprehensive instructional approach that addresses the multifaceted nature of critical reading. The paper discusses the potential benefits and challenges of implementing the proposed approach and highlights its implications for student learning outcomes, curriculum development, and future research directions. Overall, this paper advocates for innovative instructional approaches that leverage the synergies between different learning theories and strategies to support students' development of critical reading skills.

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How to Cite
Pumpachart, T., & Tiangtrong, P. . (2024). The Enhancing Critical Reading Skills Through Instruction: A Combination of Guided Discovery Learning and Metacognitive Strategies. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 9(5), 788–803. สืบค้น จาก


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