The Research on the Curriculum Design of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Chinese Art Vocational Colleges

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Chen Jia
Meng Jianhuang


          This study aims to deeply explore the design of innovation and entrepreneurship education courses in China's art higher vocational colleges to adapt to the growing demand for artistic innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities in modern society. With the development of social economy and the rise of the cultural industry, students in art vocational colleges are in urgent need of cross-professional comprehensive capabilities, which not only include innovative thinking and entrepreneurial spirit, but also practical operational skills to face the ever-changing professional environment. challenges. Through the implementation of comprehensive innovation and entrepreneurship course content planning, staged education and teaching layout and "process plus results" evaluation system, talents with both innovative spirit and entrepreneurial awareness as well as advanced technical skills can be cultivated to serve as the country's innovative development and regional economic and social progress.
         This article focuses on the preparation of an indicator scale for teaching effectiveness evaluation of innovation and entrepreneurship education courses in Chinese art higher vocational colleges, analyzes its reliability and validity, and verifies the effectiveness of the scale.

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