The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Ethical Leadership on Tacit Knowledge Sharing Behavior of Full-time University Teachers : The Mediating Role of Transactive memory systems and Value Orientation

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Wu Dongrong
Li Zhongwu


          The objectives of this research were: (1) to analyze the relationship between leadership style, value orientation, and the transactive memory system the values orientation among full-time university teachers (2) to analyze the impact of value orientation and the transactive memory system on tacit knowledge sharing behavior. (3) to analyze the impact of leadership style on tacit knowledge sharing behavior, and (4) to study the mediating role of value orientation and the transactive memory system in the relationship between leadership style and tacit knowledge sharing behavior.
          The research method was a survey research and data analysis tools such as SPSS and AMOS. Population were Full-time university teachers total of 800 will be distributed, with to meet the study's requirements of various undergraduate universities. Sample were 560 Full-time university teachers in undergraduate institutions nationwide. Selecting with convenience sampling questionnaires will be distributed, with a target response and effective rate of around 70% to meet the study's requirements. The statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, Standard Deviation, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling was employed.
          Research findings were: (1) Transformational leadership has a direct impact on altruistic values, self-actualization values, and transactive memory systems. Full-time university teachers. (2) Ethical leadership has a direct and significant impact on altruistic values, self-achievement values, and transactive memory systems. Ethical leaders actively promote altruistic values, emphasize the importance of teamwork and mutual assistance through daily words and actions, and team activities. (3) Transformational leadership and ethical leadership both have positive effects on the transactive memory system. (4) Transformational leadership and ethical leadership both have a positive impact on altruistic values. However, when comparing the influence of these two leadership styles. (5) There is a positive correlation between self-achievement value orientation and tacit knowledge sharing behavior. Specifically, self-achievement value orientation can significantly influence the tacit knowledge sharing behavior of full-time university teachers. And (6) Significant positive correlation between the mediating variables (including altruistic values, self-achievement values, and transactive memory systems) and the dependent variable (tacit knowledge sharing behavior).

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