The Mental Health Promotion Strategies for Undergraduate College Teachers in the New Era

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Wen Yulan
Nalinthip Pimklad
Krapan Sri-ngan


          The goal of this study is strategies for promoting mental health of undergraduate college teachers in the new era. (1) The current situation of mental health of teachers in undergraduate colleges and universities in the new era, (2) Development of mental health promotion strategies for teachers in undergraduate colleges and universities in the new era, (3) Evaluation of mental health strategies for teachers in undergraduate colleges and universities in the new era. The sample is 409 teachers, who are composed of 67,397 teachers from 38 undergraduate colleges and universities in Guangxi, China. The Taro Yamane formula is used to determine the sample size with a 95% confidence level, and a multi-stage random sampling method is used to determine the sample size. Research tools include surveys addressing current conditions and expectations. Quantitative data analysis incorporates statistical indicators such as percentages, mean, standard deviation, and validity index, while qualitative research involves content analysis.
          The research results are as follows: (1) The current status of mental health of teachers in undergraduate colleges in the new era is generally at a high level ( =3.54, SD=1.28). The current status is arranged in descending order as: psychological dimension, spiritual dimension, physical dimension and social dimension. The psychological dimension is considered to be the most pressing issue. (2) Propose BSP strategies for teachers’ mental health promotion from the psychological dimension. (3) The evaluation of strategies is possible and useful. These results provide valuable opinions for the field of teacher mental health research and also provide reference for the formulation of mental health policies.

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How to Cite
Yulan, W. ., Pimklad , N. ., & Sri-ngan, K. . (2024). The Mental Health Promotion Strategies for Undergraduate College Teachers in the New Era. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 9(5), 610–618. สืบค้น จาก


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