The Linear Structural Equation Model of the Competency of Deans in Educational Colleges in Western China

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Chen Jianping
Krapan Sri-ngan
Nalinthip Pimklad


          The objectives of this research were: (1) To study the constituted characteristic competencies of Deans in educational colleges in Western China; (2) Create and develop a linear structural equation model of the competency of Deans in Educational Colleges in Western China; (3) To a linear structural equation model to examine the competency of Deans in Educational Colleges in Western China. The sample was 460 individuals selected using a multi-stage random sampling method. Research tools include questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, SPSS statistics, etc. Likert 5-level scales are used to measure and evaluate each competency characteristic, and factor analysis methods are used to analyze the internal structure of the competency characteristics. The research results are as follows: (1) The competency of deans of education in western China is composed of five important components: personal charisma, educational philosophy, administration skills, interpersonal relations, and development awareness.; (2) Linear structural equation model composed of the competencies of deans of colleges of education Included are the following statistical values:  = 2.954, χ2 = 316.52, df = 160, P = 0.047, RMSEA = 0.043, GFI = 0.950, NFI = 0.955.

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How to Cite
Jianping, C. ., Sri-ngan , . K. ., & Pimklad, N. . (2024). The Linear Structural Equation Model of the Competency of Deans in Educational Colleges in Western China. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 9(5), 492–501. สืบค้น จาก


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