The Dynamic Core Capability Utilization via Big Data Management for Sustainable Competitive Advantage on Micro Enterprises Performance in Beijing, China

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XiaoWu Yi
Parkorn Chobhan


           This research aimed to study (1) the factors that affect the sustainable competitive advantage; (2) the mediating role of corporate innovation and value creation between dynamic core capability and sustainable competitive advantages; and (3) develop the dynamic core capability utilization of big data management on sustainability. The research instrument is a mixed method, collected data from a sample of 468 employees of enterprises in the 15 industries in Beijing of China. The statistics for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and structural equation model path analysis.

The results of this research found that: (1) the factors of corporate innovation, Dynamic core capability and value creation affect the sustainable competitive advantage by the values of 0.124, 0.255 and 0.319 respectively. (2) the mediating corporate innovation (0.085) and value creation (0.103) between dynamic core capability (0.246) and sustainable competitive advantages (0.348) to organization performance. And (3) To develop the dynamic core capability utilization of big data management on sustainability of the SEMS in Beijing, China for Chinese enterprises, explore the mediating role of enterprise innovation and value creation between dynamic core competencies and sustainable competitive advantage, provide new perspectives and practical insights for the realization of sustainable competitive advantage.

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