The Structural Equation Model of Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior to Visit Thailand as Holistic Wellness Destination Via Life Quality & Well-Being

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Lalida Arphawatthansakul
Sangkae Punyasiri


          According to Global Wellness Economy Monitor reports in 2018, report that there are a variety of growing healthcare businesses in the global industry including mental and physical health, nutrition, weight loss, diet, Anti-aging, spa, hot springs, personal beauty care, dietary supplements, preventive medicine, and traditional medicine. Wellness tourism generates chances for wellness enterprises. The expenditures of wellness travelers are beneficial to all areas of the tourism business. Based on its importance to the Thai economy combined with the increasing interest in wellness tourist destinations, there is an increasing amount of research aimed at identifying potential opportunities for wellness tourism in Thailand. (Pathomsirikul, 2019). Therefore, the study aimed at examining the intention of European tourists to visit Phuket, Thailand as Holistic wellness destination by applying the decomposed theory of planned behavior (DTPB). The study investigated the additional variables: health consciousness and eWOM in this model whereby it is predicted to be predictor of the DTPB and also examined mediator effect of life quality & well-being towards behavior intention. A total of 600 respondents by purposive sampling as a minimum subject-to-item ratio of 10:1 (Hair Jr, Babin, and Anderson, 2010) and were analyzed via structural equation modeling to test the model. The results show that Health consciousness is significantly related to attitude but eWOM is found to be insignificant to subjective norms. Attitude and Subjective norms are significantly related to behavioral intention for holistic wellness tourism. Moreover, life quality & well-being was also found to serve as mediator effect towards behavior intention. The results of this study can theoretically be used as a framework for future research aimed at enhancing and refining the theoretical expansion of the decomposed theory of planned behavior, life quality & well-being towards behavior intention for holistic wellness tourism.

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How to Cite
Arphawatthansakul, L., & Punyasiri, S. . (2024). The Structural Equation Model of Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior to Visit Thailand as Holistic Wellness Destination Via Life Quality & Well-Being. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 9(6), 162–184. สืบค้น จาก


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