The Moderation Effect of Supervisor’s Power Distance and Mediation Effect of Interpersonal Relationship on The Relationship Between Supervisor’s Trust and Empowering Leadership in Higher Vocational Colleges in Henan Province

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Liu Yongtao
Sukhum Moonmuang
Sataporn Pruettikul


          The objectives of this research were: (1) to develop a relationship model of factors on empowering leadership of public higher vocational colleges in Henan Province. (2) To find mediating factors in the model of empowering leadership in Henan provincial higher public vocational colleges (3) to find moderation effect of the supervisor’s power distance on the relationship between the supervisor’s trusts and empowering leadership. The research design was a quantitative survey research, Population in this study were 3,329 senior officials from 25 public vocational colleges in Henan Province. A multi-stage random sampling technique was adopted to selected 400 senior officials as the sample. Basic statistics were employed for demographic data analysis, the CFA was used for measurement model, the SEM were employed for structural model analysis, and z-test was used to test the hypotheses.
          The research results showed that: (1) the relationship model was composed of 3 latent variables namely supervisor’s trust, interpersonal relationship, and empowering leadership, and the model fit well with the empirical data. (2) The supervisor’s trust and interpersonal relationship play a mediating role in the model. (3) Power distance plays a moderating effect the relationship between the supervisor’s trust and empowering leadership.


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How to Cite
Yongtao, L. ., Moonmuang , S. ., & Pruettikul, S. . (2024). The Moderation Effect of Supervisor’s Power Distance and Mediation Effect of Interpersonal Relationship on The Relationship Between Supervisor’s Trust and Empowering Leadership in Higher Vocational Colleges in Henan Province. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 9(6), 637–649. สืบค้น จาก


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