Creative Economy Innovation Academic Project Management Based On Liaoning Culturet

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Ju JiaXuan
Kosoom Saichai
Suchat Thaothong


          In the context of development creative culture is recognized as a driver of sustainable urban development. Creative economic innovation based on Liaoning culture.  It is an important thing that is emerging in the world economy. The creative cultural industry not only covers art, design, entertainment, media and other fields, it also plays an important role in the development of communities, localities, societies and countries. The management of this creative economy innovation academic project In-depth research is a main method to explore information about the operating mechanisms of the creative cultural industry. This article presents 8 key elements in project management: flexibility of management style; Interdisciplinary team building; developing the abilities of innovation personnel; designing appropriate subjects in the curriculum; providing opportunities for talented people to work according to their aptitudes; emphasis on the role of artistic models; openness to cross-cultural and cross-regional perspectives; and diversity in cognition and creativity. These variables will help provide information for the survey. The practical role of project management promoting innovation Introducing advanced management concepts and methods to promote China's creative cultural industry to continue to operate well and compete internationally.

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