The Light and Shadow Art in Display Space

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Bin Song
Pisit Puntien


          The development of display design is the epitome of the development of society and the times, and is also an important symbol of the process of human civilization. It contains the accumulation of history and reflects the appearance of the times. The goal of this research is to explore the role of light and shadow art in display space. This study adopts qualitative analysis as the main method, supplemented by quantitative analysis and comprehensive analysis. Taking the interconnection between light and shadow art and display space as the entry point, it organizes "light" art and "shadow" art from an artistic perspective. and the interrelationships between them. After discussing the psychological changes of light and shadow art on people and the concepts of "light and shadow art" and "space", the impact of light and shadow on people's visual and psychological feelings was analyzed in depth. As a visual expression language, light and shadow art not only creates rich visual expression effects, but also transforms from visual language into psychological language, giving people certain psychological and emotional associations.
          Through this research, it is concluded that light and shadow art in the display space can enhance the role of light and shadow art in the display space through three aspects: functional design, aesthetic principles, and green sustainability. Light and shadow art not only acts on space with its own effects, but also combines with craftsmanship to create space beauty. Through the combination of materials, colors, multimedia interaction and spatial components, a richer display effect can be achieved in the exhibition space. The article elaborates on the artistic beauty and impact of light and shadow art on space, which is not limited to visual effects and psychological feelings, but also involves the development characteristics and direction of light and shadow art in exhibition design. Finally, it summarizes the reasonable use of light and shadow art in the display space. By analyzing the problems existing in the use of light and shadow in the display space, it puts forward the issues and principles that need to be paid attention to in future light and shadow design. Taken together, the light and shadow art in the display space is a comprehensive subject. While improving the aesthetics and improving the technology, it should be given stronger practical significance and use value. Let light and shadow art truly serve the display space, realize the mutual influence and common development of the display space and light and shadow art, present a new look, and be inherited and eternal.

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