Comparative Analysis of Domestic and International College Teacher Evaluations Based on Literature Knowledge Map Analysis

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Yong Wang
Liang Chen


          Utilizing CNKI and Web of Science databases, this study nalyzes research papers on higher education teacher evaluation published over the past 20-30 years, focusing on "college teachers" and "teacher evaluation" as keywords and employing CiteSpace software to generate knowledge maps of the literature. The analysis reveals that research in China on "college teacher evaluation" is multidimensional. A omparative study between domestic and international research indicates that Chinese research primarily concentrates on the construction and refinement of evaluation systems, whereas international studies tend to focus more on the professional development and psychological well-being of teachers, along with the psychometric properties of evaluation. A global omparison shows significant variations in academic output across different countries in the field of "college teacher evaluation," with the United States leading, followed by Turkey and China. These disparities may stem from differences in each country's educational policies, research funding allocation, academic traditions, and quality assurance mechanisms in education. Overall, this paper provides a comprehensive analysis and valuable perspective in the field of "college teacher evaluation."

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How to Cite
Wang, Y. ., & Chen, L. . (2023). Comparative Analysis of Domestic and International College Teacher Evaluations Based on Literature Knowledge Map Analysis. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 8(12), 570–583. สืบค้น จาก


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