“A Study the Perspective of Executives, Teachers, Parents and Students Toward Hybrid Learning in Banwangthong Wattana Primary School of Thailand”

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Ruksith Sitthitool
Kittima Charoenhirun
Thanika Chedsadawarangkul
Sawien Jenkwao


         The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the education industry, leading to inadequate student education and a shift towards technology and online learning. Despite the recovery, the pandemic has accelerated the transformation of teaching-learning paradigms, making it crucial to adopt long-term policies to equip students with 21st-century skills.
           The objective of the research was to examine the viewpoints of various stakeholders at Banwangthong Wattana Primary School, located in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand. These viewpoints would form an integral component of examining the implementation of Hybrid learning, with potential applicability to other schools in Thailand that share a similar environment. The study employed a case study design, utilizing a qualitative methodology that involved conducting semi-structured interviews with six individuals who were selected to represent different functions within the school. These individuals included the Academic Assistant Principal, who represented the administration function, two students who served as learners, two teachers who acted as instructors, and one parent who played the role of a supporter. The participants selected for this study were an Academic Assistant Principal and several teachers, chosen through purposive sampling. The sample population consisted of parents and students who were selected using convenience sampling. The data derived from the interviews underwent thematic analysis.
           The results of the study indicated that both educators and parents expressed significant worry over student engagement and concentration during online instruction. All relevant parties collaborate to facilitate the advancement of online teaching and the advancement of Pedagogical and Technological Proficiencies through self-development.     

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