Drama Education Influence on Creative ThinkingBased on Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking : Pre-Schools in China

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Qiang Li
Supinda Lertlit


          In advanced countries, drama education is a very important teaching method for developing students' creative thinking ability and comprehensive qualities and is even considered the best teaching method. However, in China, drama education is still in its infancy, and drama education has not been introduced for a long time. Drama education is seriously lacking in a Chinese kindergarten. But does drama education also promote the creativity of pre-school children in China? Will the age and gender of children moderate this promotion? To answer these questions, the research set a drama education experimental in Chengdu Jinjiang District Youshi Hebin Kindergarten which is a public Chinese kindergarten. This paper leverages t-tests, correlation coefficient analysis, variance inflation factor test, and an Ordinary Least Squares regression model to explore the causal relationship between drama education and pre-school children's creative thinking which is assessed by the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking-Figural tests. Our results show that drama education has a positive impact on pre-school children’s creative thinking. Furthermore, the effect of drama education on the promotion of creative thinking is more pronounced when pre-school children are older or female. Based on the above conclusions, the researcher suggests that the proportion of drama education in Chinese kindergartens should be appropriately increased to enrich the curriculum system design of kindergartens and improve the creative thinking ability of pre-school children. This study will provide some theoretical support and data for the promotion of drama education in pre-school teaching in China.

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How to Cite
Li, Q. ., & Lertlit, S. . (2023). Drama Education Influence on Creative ThinkingBased on Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking : Pre-Schools in China. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 8(9), 452–466. สืบค้น จาก https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JRKSA/article/view/264317


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