The Influence of Chinese College Students' Belief in a Just World on social adjustment: Understanding the regulatory role of social support

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Xinmin Li
Chia Ching Tu


          This study aims to explore the impact of Fair World Belief on social adaptation in the Jilin region of China. A quantitative research approach was adopted. Chinese university students were selected as the research object. The moderating effect of Perceived Social Support is also explored. Using the purposive sampling method, 1140 samples were selected from four universities in Jilin Province, China, with 1126 valid samples and a 99% effective rate, Using SPSS 22 and AMOS 21 statistical software for processing, the research results are as follows: (1) The belief in a just world significantly positively affects the social adaptation of college students in Jilin region of China; (2) Understanding social support plays a moderating role in the impact of the belief in a just world on the social adaptation of college students in Jilin region, China. Provide useful suggestions for the development of university education based on research findings.

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