An analysis of the performance style of the band “Chaozihui” in Fengning, Hebei Province, China

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Ruidong Ma
Sarawut Choatchamrat


          The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance style of "Chaozihui" band in Fengning, Hebei, China, in order to understand the characteristics of its melody and rhythm. Qualitative research method was adopted in this study. Researchers visited Fengning County, Hebei Province to interview key informants and collect relevant data. Through ethnomusicology theory, music morphological analysis theory, music analysis theory and music and performance theory research theory. Through research, it is found that "Chaozihui" is composed of suona, leather gong, drum, cymbals and gong. Most Qupai are Manchu Qupai, which has been continuously enriched and improved in the spreading process, forming a set of folk instrumental music with obvious Manchu characteristics. Among them, blowing music and miscellaneous music are the two forms of "Chaozihui" performance. Through the analysis of the music, it is found that the melody of "Chaozihui" band has obvious tonality, and the rhythm is distinct and varied. It shows a strong sense of rhythm and musicality. This study provides a certain reference and enlightenment for the in-depth understanding of the performance style of "Chaozihui" band in Fengning, Hebei, China, and also makes a contribution to the protection and development of Chinese traditional music culture.


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