The Factors Influencing the Tramsmission of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Market Value and Cultural Value Oriented : Case Study Jiang’an Bamboo Craft in Sichuan Province, China

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Linhong Hou
Anong Rungsuk


          People's living standards are rising daily as a result of social growth, and cultural expectations are also increasing. In this context, passing down and safeguarding intangible cultural assets has grown to be a major problem. Two significant research directions in this process are market value orientation and cultural value orientation.
          Taking Jiang 'an bamboo Craft in Sichuan Province as a case, This study employs a structural equation model to examine the influences of market value and cultural value on the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. Empirical analysis is used to confirm the significance of the two value orientations' effects on the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. The paper then analyzes the current issues with market value-oriented and cultural value-oriented intangible cultural heritage inheritance based on the findings of the empirical analysis. Among them, the lack of implementation of market support policies and the underrepresentation of guiding social forces at the government level in the inheritance of market-oriented intangible cultural heritage; and the lack of brand image building, low visibility, and the singular form of development and utilization of intangible cultural heritage at the industrial level. The fundamental issue at the university level is the inability of colleges and universities to play their intended role due to the shallowness of school and business partnerships. The ineffective protection concept of grassroots governments, their inability to carry out their duties, the outdated intangible cultural heritage inheritance mode, and the lack of adequate intangible cultural heritage propaganda are the issues that currently exist at the government level in the cultural value-oriented intangible cultural heritage inheritance. Lack of teachers and inadequate support for the curriculum system are issues at the university level, while weak inheritor consciousness and an incomplete talent training and assessment system are issues at the industry level. This essay presents pertinent recommendations from the government, business, and academic levels, respectively.

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