Curriculum Evaluation of Bachelor’s Degree in Network Engineering at Sichuan University of Science & Engineering

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NanYang Xiang
Rossarin Jermtaisong
Puripun Lert-o-pas


          The objectives of this research were to evaluate the curriculum of a bachelor’s degree in Network Engineering at Sichuan University of Science & Engineering. The curriculum was evaluated by implementing the CIPP model emphasizing context, inputs, processes, and outcomes on Stufflebeam’s decision-making approach. The research sample consisted of 353 people, selected by purposive random sampling, and divided into 5 groups: 19 administrators, 24 instructors, 230 students, 40 undergraduates, and 40 employers. The instrument was a questionnaire. Mean, standard deviation, and percentage were used for data analysis. The findings were as follows: 1) The opinions of administrators, instructors, students, graduate students, and employers toward a bachelor’s degree in Network Engineering at Sichuan University of Science & Engineering were at a high level in all aspects and sorted in descending order as follows: process (x̅ =4.12), input (x̅ =4.02), product (x̅ =4.01) and context (x̅ =3.97). 2) Considering over aspects, it was found that: 2.1) All contexts were at a high level and ranked from the highest mean respectively: subject content, curriculum composition, curriculum construction, and curriculum objective. 2.2) All inputs were at a high level and ranked from the highest mean respectively: budget and facility, administrator, learning materials, instructor, and curriculum objective. 2.3) All processes were at a high level and ranked from the highest mean respectively: measurement, evaluation, and learning management.  2.4) All products were at a high level and ranked from the highest mean respectively: knowledge, emotions, attitudes, values, and skill.

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How to Cite
Xiang, N. ., Jermtaisong, R., & Lert-o-pas, P. . (2023). Curriculum Evaluation of Bachelor’s Degree in Network Engineering at Sichuan University of Science & Engineering. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 8(7), 91–101. สืบค้น จาก


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