The Effect of Quality of Work Life and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance: A Case Study of Transportation Business in Nakhon Phanom Province of Thailand

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Kusuma Soythong


          In the current, an organization should provide a suitable working environment to make employees enjoy their work. The enjoyment of work affects physical, emotional, social, and spiritual feelings, affecting employee performance. This research aims to study the influence of quality of work life on employee performance and study the influence of organization commitment on the relationship between quality of life at work and work performance. The researchers collected data from 300 employees of a parcel company in Nakhon Phanom province of Thailand, using a questionnaire as a research tool by analyzing the data through using structural equation modeling (SEM). The research finds that the quality of work life has a statistically significant effect on employee job performance, and that organizational commitment is a partially mediating variable between the quality of work life and employee job performance. This result leads to the importance of HR practices that can foster the quality of work life of employee.  Employees who have a better quality of work life are more likely to be committed to their organization, and this commitment, in turn, leads to the better job performance of the employees.

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How to Cite
Soythong, K. (2023). The Effect of Quality of Work Life and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance: A Case Study of Transportation Business in Nakhon Phanom Province of Thailand. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 8(5), 414–433. สืบค้น จาก


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