The Process of Crossing Legitimacy Thresholds among Community of Practice

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Ao Chen


Purpose – This paper aims to explore the process of crossing legitimacy thresholds among community of practice based on a theoretical perspective of effectuation and causation iteration.

Design/methodology/approach – The CMS Community of Practice in the School of Management at the University of Leicester, UK was selected as the research object and a longitudinal case study approach, consisting of secondary data, semi-structured interviews and informal face-to-face or telephone interviews, was adopted to collect and analyze the qualitative data.

Findings – The findings reflect that the accumulation of the legitimacy of the community of practice consists of four stages: external and internal cognitive legitimacy, and external and internal normative legitimacy. In the startup stage, the accumulation processes of the internal and external cognitive legitimacy of the CMS CoP take place in parallel and complement each other. In the development stage, the accumulation processes of the internal and external normative legitimacy of the CMS CoP occur progressively, and the accumulation of external normative legitimacy becomes a means of input, creating a prerequisite for the subsequent crossing of internal normative legitimacy.

Originality/value – This paper proposes the theoretical model explaining the CoP’s internal and external legitimacy thresholds crossing mechanism. The results contribute to the literature by providing a reference for the future study of informal communities’ legitimacy thresholds crossing and for expanding the applicable scenarios of effectuation and causation theory.

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How to Cite
Chen, A. (2022). The Process of Crossing Legitimacy Thresholds among Community of Practice. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 7(8), 488–507. สืบค้น จาก


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