Perceived Value Effect of Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions the Case Study of China’s Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms in Thailand

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Wang Yin
Supasit Lertbuasin


          The major aim of this paper is to put forward a model that inquiries into the relationships among four components (exotic cultural identity, procedural value, functional value, and emotional value) of perceived value; customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions. Based on China's cross-border e-commerce platform in the Thai market. The research used mixed methods research, explanatory sequential design. Firstly, quantitative data were collected and analyzed, and the data obtained from qualitative interviews were analyzed through the research method of explanatory sequence design. Before testing the research hypothesis, the validity and reliability of the measurement have been confirmed. A total of 453 formal research questionnaires come from customers who have used the Chinese cross-border e-commerce platform in Thailand. Empirical research on structural equation model (SEM) by SPSS23.0 and AMOS24.0 programs for statistical data analysis.

The results of the study show that exotic cultural identity, emotional value, and functional value Positive impact customer satisfaction, also positively impact behavioral intentions. Customer satisfaction is an intermediary component in the relationship between perceived value and customer behavioral intentions. Procedural value has no significant impact on satisfaction and behavioral intentions.

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