Online Learning Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic : University Students’ Perspectives

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Suthasinee Susiva


          The aims of this research were (1) to study online learning experience and its effectiveness in the perspectives of Thai University students during the pandemic, (2) to identify factors affecting online learning experience of Thai University Students during the Pandemic, and (3) to explore correlation between online learning effectiveness and experience of Thai University students during the pandemic. Online survey had been employed to gather the data. Data was processed and analyzed using descriptive: frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, as well as inferential statistics: One-way ANOVA with LSD and Pearson correlation to answer the research objectives. 
          This research found that in general, Thai university students perceived that the online learning experience during the pandemic is acceptable, yet it has less effective compared to the on-site. The most common online teaching method employed by universities are using online meeting platforms. The most popular ones are Google Meets and Zoom meeting. However, there are a few universities that provides multiple platforms to the lecturers and students to choose based on their preferences and these groups of students seem to have a better experience. Age range, educational level, household income and faculties are personal factors affecting the online learning experience, while online learning platform is the only method of delivery that affect the online learning experience. The results could also imply that undergraduate students have different online learning experience to the postgraduate students. Finally, it has also found that online learning experience has a positively correlated to effectiveness of the outcomes. Therefore, if the university would like to improve the effectiveness of the outcomes, they shall consider provide better learning experience to the students.

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