Transitioning from Teaching to Instructional Coaching: A New Dimension of Learning in Digital Disruption

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suthon wongdaeng


Coaching is a tool that educators use to guide learners in the right direction. Coaches provide the guidance and use the powerful questioning to enable learners and utilize their own potential in learning through hands-on experience. Moreover, they construct knowledge themselves and can continuously develop. Therefore, the instructional coaching plays the significant role in developing learners to achieve success in learning goals and to effectively apply the learned learning skills on the learning and work in the future.

This article aims to present concepts related to the teaching and Instructional coaching, or similarities and differences between the Instructional coaching and the ordinary teaching, the benefits of the instructional coaching in the classroom, including the importance of transitioning from the ordinary teaching into the instructional coaching, besides, strategies for integrating the instructional coaching into the classroom and the challenging changes in implementing instructional coaching in the classroom were the significant factor in this point.

This studying through the documents, the textbooks, the academic articles, and the various researches revealed that the instructional coaching serves and supports the educational important technique as a supportive tool by inspiring learners to self-directed learning, fostering learners' cognitive processes for growth, developing high-level thinking skills, fostering self-confidence, self-guided learning discipline, and continuous self-improvement. Therefore, all of those which are the crucial characteristics in the Digital Disruption. Additionally, both of the instructors and learners have the opportunity to exchange and learn together through the instructional coaching process.

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How to Cite
wongdaeng, . suthon. (2024). Transitioning from Teaching to Instructional Coaching: A New Dimension of Learning in Digital Disruption. Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 4(1), 31–47. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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