Leadership of School Administrators and Curriculum and Teaching Development

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Nichapa Tapipat


This academic article aims to study the leadership of school administrators and the development of curriculum and teaching. The leadership of educational institution administrators consists of the characteristics of school administrators, the behavior of school administrators, the situation of school administrators, the role of school administrators, and the emotional intelligence of school administrators.

Then they were interested in the leadership, because the success of educational institutions depends on the leadership of educational institution administrators and the context of the educational institution. And it is necessary to perform the duties consistent with the educational institution administrator position with quality. It depends on the changes and context of the educational institution. The role of educational institution administrators includes planners, group representatives, and academic leaders, including the relationships within the group and assessors.

In this study, it was concluded that the academic leaders of educational institution administrators are an important key-person in performing their duties to ensure the educational institutions to have quality and standards, consisting of: the educational institution curriculum development, the learning process development, the measurement, the evaluation, and transfer learning units.

Moreover, there are the research to improve the educational quality development, the innovative media, the educational technology, the learning resources, the educational supervision, the educational guidance, the quality assurance systems in an educational institutions Promoting academic knowledge to the community Coordinating cooperation in academic development with other educational institutions,  the promoting and supporting academic work for some individuals, families, organizations, agencies, and other institutions providing the education.

In this regard, developing the curriculum and teaching of educational institutions is   a necessary type and an important task in developing academic work to keep up with the times. Therefore, the leadership of school administrators and the development of curriculum and teaching is more important to organize the education that made of the quality, the educational standards and create the greatest benefit to educational institutions and the country.

Then they were interested in the leadership, because the success of educational institutions depends on the leadership of educational institution administrators and the context of the educational institution. And it is necessary to perform the duties consistent with the educational institution administrator position with quality. It depends on the changes and context of the educational institution. The role of educational institution administrators includes planners, group representatives, and academic leaders, including the relationships within the group and assessors.

In this study, it was concluded that the academic leaders of educational institution administrators are an important key-person in performing their duties to ensure the educational institutions to have quality and standards, consisting of: the educational institution curriculum development, the learning process development, the measurement, the evaluation, and transfer learning units.

Moreover, there are the research to improve the educational quality development, the innovative media, the educational technology, the learning resources, the educational supervision, the educational guidance, the quality assurance systems in an educational institutions Promoting academic knowledge to the community Coordinating cooperation in academic development with other educational institutions,  the promoting and supporting academic work for some individuals, families, organizations, agencies, and other institutions providing the education.

In this regard, developing the curriculum and teaching of educational institutions is   a necessary type and an important task in developing academic work to keep up with the times. Therefore, the leadership of school administrators and the development of curriculum and teaching is more important to organize the education that made of the quality, the educational standards and create the greatest benefit to educational institutions and the country.

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How to Cite
Tapipat, N. (2023). Leadership of School Administrators and Curriculum and Teaching Development. Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 4(1), 48–62. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMBR_sothorn/article/view/271171
Academic Article


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