Conscious: Tackling Corruption in Thai Society Tackling Corruption in Thai Society

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Samrerng Ratchawang


In the present, the corruption in Thailand is considered a chronic problem and become the more severe and complex problems and has wide-ranging impacts. Especially, the national security is one of the top problems that hinders the country's development in terms of economics, society and politics, because it happened in every sector in Thai society, and even it is the political sector, the government sector, especially local government organizations. They are often viewed outside of the society as organizations that facilitate on the corruption. To solve the corruption problem, the right methods must be used to help and enlarged to the people by creating citizenship consciousness or collaboratively participation to solve the problem with the masses of the people on all parts. There are many different theories, such as the theory of creating citizenship consciousness. With the principle of checking state power, it is a check on state power by organizations in several parts of the government, private, and civil society sectors. With the rule of law, a state is governed by controlled laws or under just laws, etc.

In this academic article, the author has presented guidelines for solving corruption problems in the two levels: the individual level by building people's immunity in political participation and creating awareness to integrate the Buddhist principles and promote the various concepts mentioned as above appeared.  Mechanism for goodness resisting of the corruption would be built in Thai culture with the well-management system and the nation progressively development in every part of Thailand’s organizations.

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How to Cite
Ratchawang, S. (2024). Conscious: Tackling Corruption in Thai Society: Tackling Corruption in Thai Society. Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 4(1), 16–30. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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