People’s political awareness affecting the election of bangkok council members, khlong Sam war district, Bangkok.

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Samrerng Ratchawang



This article aims to 1) study the level of the political awareness of the people who affected the exercise of rights to elect members of the Bangkok Council, 2) study the factors that affected the exercise of rights to elect members of the Bangkok Council, and 3) study the political perception of citizens to affects the voting rights to elect members of the Bangkok Metropolitan Council. This research was done by applying the principles of honesty and morality. This research’s method is the mixed method, consisting of quantitative research and the mixed method. A sample group of 399 people from voters in the Khlong Sam Wa area, Bangkok, totaling 180,507 people, and qualitative. There were 10 important informants or people. The research results were found that

1. Political awareness of the people who affected the voting rights to elect members of the Bangkok Council, Khlong Sam Wa District, Bangkok as a whole is at a moderate level.

2. Results of analysis to study factors affecting the exercise of rights to elect members of the Bangkok Council, Khlong Sam Wa District, Bangkok. There was the correlation coefficient between the factors of honesty and Dharma and Factors in people's political perception with the statistically significance at the 0.01 level on a high level of relationship.

3. The application of the principles of honesty and morality to promote political awareness of the people who affected the exercise of rights to elect members of the Bangkok Council, Khlong Sam Wa District, Bangkok, were found that the most people did not pay the attention to election news, because it is lack of the publicity in the election activities and is still limited by the Election Commission to declare the dates. It is the statistical significance on the level of 0.01, and there is a standard regression coefficient of 0.67.

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How to Cite
Ratchawang, S. (2024). People’s political awareness affecting the election of bangkok council members, khlong Sam war district, Bangkok. Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 4(1), 1–15. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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