Effectiveness of Developing Growth Mindset Through Coaching Program for Healthy Food Restaurant Managers
Growth mindset, coaching, healthy restaurant managersAbstract
The study aimed to examine the effectiveness of a coaching program to enhance the growth mindset of healthy food restaurant managers. Utilizing a quasi-experimental design, 30 managers were divided into experimental (15) and control groups (15) through simple random sampling. The instrument included 1) A 25-item growth mindset tool assessed belief in learning development, embracing challenges, courage to face failure, effort, and learning from criticism and 2) The growth mindset coaching program. Data analyzed via Independent and Paired t-tests showed that the experimental group’s average growth mindset score significantly increased from 5.035 to 5.637 (p < .05) and was higher than the control group’s post-experiment. The experimental group yielded a t-statistic of 8.399 and an f-statistic of 6.195, indicating significant differences between groups. The findings concluded that the coaching program significantly enhanced the growth mindset of restaurant managers, benefiting their professional roles and emphasizing the importance of a growth mindset in organizational contexts, thereby suggesting new coaching approaches for personnel development with academic and business applications.
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