The Influence of Spiritual Health and Spiritual Leadership on Work Engagement with Workplace Spirituality as a Mediating Variable of Nurses at a Regional Hospital
spiritual health, workplace spirituality, spiritual leadership, work engagementAbstract
The objectives of this research were to study the influence of spiritual health and spiritual leadership on work engagement with workplace spirituality as a mediating variable of nurses in a regional hospital. The samples of the research were 215 nurses in a regional hospital, Central region. The data was collected through questionnaires which were consisted of five parts, including personal data, the spiritual health scale, the workplace spirituality scale, the spiritual leadership scale, and the work engagement scale. The data was analyzed by using multiple regression analysis and bootstrap method. The results of this research showed that 1) The level of spiritual health, workplace spirituality, spiritual leadership, and work engagement were at high level; 2) spiritual health, workplace spirituality, and spiritual leadership were positively related to work engagement at .001 level of significant; spiritual health and spiritual leadership were positively related to workplace spirituality at .001 level of significant; 3) spiritual health and spiritual leadership had indirect effect on work engagement with the partial mediating role of workplace spirituality at .001 level of significant.
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