Factors Affecting the Prisoners’ Disciplinary Infractions in Nakhon Pathom Central Prison


  • Kantita Sripa Psychiatric nursing department, Police nursing college, Police general hospital, Royal Thai Police


Disciplinary infraction, Prisoners, Prison, Criminology




            The purposes of the present research were to examined the factors affecting the disciplinary offenses of prisoners in prison in order to get guidelines to decrease disciplinary infractions in prisons by employing a multiple regression analysis to examine data from 202 prisoners who committed disciplinary infractions in Nakhon Pathom Central Prison, which were derived from 434 disciplinary violators in the prison by using the convenience sampling method. The results of the bivariate correlation analysis between each examined factors and the level of disciplinary infractions in prison show that there were 4 factors significantly related to the disciplinary misconduct level, including classification of prisoners, association and learning, rational choice, and low self-control. However, the multiple regression analysis reveals that there were two factors remaining statistically significant, including rational choice, and low self-control. This result shows a support to the theoretical concepts of rational choice theory and self-control theory. For the guidelines to solve the disciplinary infraction problem, it was suggested to (1) arrange a proper number of psychologists for treating prisoners’ mental problems and improving low self-controlled personalities, and arrange programs or activities for improving behaviors, helping and suggesting closely to low self-controlled prisoners and (2) heighten measures of checking and increase severity of punishment for reducing the chances to commit offenses in order to increase costs and reduce benefits in the process of rational choice decision making.


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How to Cite

Sripa, K. (2019). Factors Affecting the Prisoners’ Disciplinary Infractions in Nakhon Pathom Central Prison. Journal of Behavioral Science for Development, 11(2), 117–135. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBSD/article/view/179452