

  • ธันยากร ตุดเกื้อ Student, Doctor of Philosophy in Human and Social Development, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus, Songkhla
  • เกษตรชัย และหีม Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus
  • ฤทัยชนนี สิทธิชัย Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kids and Youth Development Research Unit, Research Center for Educational Innovations and Teaching and Learning Excellence, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani


guidelines for preventive, cyber bullying behaviors, three southern border provinces, students



            The purpose of this study was to study of problems, causes and guidelines for preventive cyber bullying behaviors among secondary school students in the three southern border provinces. Data were collected through group interviews secondary school students in the three southern border provinces aged between 13 to 18 years old were 89 colleges and data were collected through group interviews teachers and school director in the three southern border provinces were 27 colleges. Findings indicated that guidelines for development of preventive program for cyber bullying behaviors consisted of perception, critical thinking and awareness were group activities, game, debate and creative brainstorming.

            Keywords: guidelines for preventive, cyber bullying behaviors, three southern border provinces, students



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How to Cite

ตุดเกื้อ ธ., และหีม เ., & สิทธิชัย ฤ. (2019). แนวทางการป้องกันพฤติกรรมการรังแกบนโลกไซเบอร์ของนักเรียนมัธยมศึกษาในสามจังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้. Journal of Behavioral Science for Development, 11(1), 91–106. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBSD/article/view/149878