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Punporn Ponpitak
Kraikrit Bussaban
Thanapat Emin
Ariya Martsiri


The pandemic of Corona virus makes the changing of ordering food method. The online ordering food is the new one that was famous in this period. The purposes of this research are 1) To study the acceptance behavior of online ordering food technology of employees who work at Laem Chabang industrial estate. 2) To study the factors that affect to the acceptance behavior of online ordering food technology of employees who work at Laem Chabang industrial estate. Data was collected through a self-administered survey questionnaire. The target population is employees who work at Laem Chabang industrial estate. Purposive sampling is used for collection of data from 400 employees. The data was analyzed multiple regression. The results revealed that 1) Perceived ease of use of online ordering food application has positive influence on Perceived usefulness of online ordering food application with statistical significance level at 0.05, 2) Perceived ease of use of online ordering food application has negative influence on Behavioral intention to use of online ordering food application with statistical significance level at 0.05, 3) Perceived usefulness of online ordering food application has positive influence on Behavioral intention to use of online ordering food application with statistical significance level at 0.05, 4) Perceived usefulness of online ordering food application has positive influence on Actual system use of online ordering food application with statistical significance level at 0.05, 5) Behavioral intention to use of online ordering food application has positive influence on Actual system use of online ordering food application with statistical significance level at 0.05

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How to Cite
Ponpitak, P., Bussaban, K., Emin, T., & Martsiri , A. (2021). TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE AFFECTING FOOD ORDER INTENTION VIA APPLICATION OF EMPLOYEES IN LAEM CHABANG INDUSTRIAL ESTATE CHONBURI . Journal of Graduate School of Commerce-Burapha Review, 16(2), 45–57. Retrieved from



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