*Roles and duties - of the editor

  1. The editor of the journal is responsible for determining the quality of the article for publication in the journal. And rejecting the publication of articles previously published elsewhere.
  2. The editor has the duty to consider publishing the research results with the correct research methodology. Trustworthiness is important, clarity and modernity And the consistency of the content with the policy of the journal is important By considering the results of the research to be consistent with the research objectives To consider that Should it be published or published?
  3. The editor is responsible for careful consideration when accepting published articles. The academic reasoning must be used in considering every article without prejudice towards the article and the author of the article.
  4. Editors must not disclose the information of the authors and the assessor of the articles to other people. Unrelated during the period of evaluation' of articles.
  5. Editors must not deal any agreements with the authors or assessors. And not use articles or journals for any personal business benefits.
  6. The editor must extremely examine the plagiarism of the article using a reliable program.
  7. When editors detect plagiarism of others In the article evaluation process The editor must stop the evaluation process of the said article immediately. And contact the author to request explanations for consideration of "accept" or "reject" the publication of that article In which the editor can proceed to withdraw the article without the consent of the author. Which has been considered the rights and responsibilities of the editorial articles

*Roles and duties of the author

  1. The author must certify that the submitted work is new and has never been published anywhere else.
  2. The author must write the article correctly according to the format specified in "Suggestions for those wishing to submit an article published in the journal of Graduate School of Commerce Burapha Review”
  3. The author must publish the article in the format and font size according to the form (template) of the specify of the journal.
  4. Each authors of every name who appears in the article. That must be a person who is involved in conducting the actual research.
  5. The author must not copy the explorations of others. And the author must review the list of reference documents every time when presenting other’s content.
  6. The author verifies the correctness of the reference list. In terms of format and content
  7. The author must not distort the information. Or provide false information the content of the article must comply with the objective of the journal. And articles must not copy the work of others.
  8. The author should not use academic documents that have not been studied to read or put in the reference documents should refer to the documents as necessary. Appropriately should not reference too many documents.
  9. The author must agree to transfer the copyright to the journal before publication. And do not publish or publish with other sources after being published with the journal of Graduate School of Commerce- Burapha- Review.
  10. 10. The author must reveal the source of funds that support academic work (if any.

*Roles and duties of the assessors

  1. When assessors receiving the article from the editor of the journal, article assessors must consider the quality of the article as a priority. Consider articles under academic principles and reasons. Without prejudice or personal opinions And has no any deals of interest with the author.
  2. The assessors should evaluate the article in their field of expertise. By considering the importance of the content in the article To that subject Quality of analysis and work concentration Do not use personal opinions that do not have information to support as a basis. In judging the article
  3. Assessor must keep confidential And do not disclose any or all of the information submitted for consideration to unrelated parties During the evaluation period, the articles do not seek to benefit from the academic work that they have assessed.
  4. Assessor acknowledges that the article being considered includes any parts of the chapter similar to or duplicate with other works, the assessor must notify to the editor of the journal immediately.
  5. The experts must maintain the evaluation period in accordance with the specified evaluation period. Including not disclosing the content of the article to who do not deals with any interest.