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Sarunya Lertputtarak
Nanthawadee Deeprom


This research has 4 objectives as 1) to study policy promotion for cultural tourism in Nakhon Nayok Province. 2) To study the management of cultural tourism in Nakhon Nayok Province. Using a qualitative research methodology that consisted of in-depth interviews with 1 TAT representative of Nakhon Nayok office, 4 government representatives, 2 community leaders who wanted to develop, 5 successful community leaders, and 5 tour and tour guide executives to collect the data to analyzed (Content analysis) and summarized the research results according to the research objectives in the final step. The study found that the policy promotion for cultural tourism in Nakhon Nayok Province can be done as follows 1) Promoting outstanding cultural identity in each community 2) Development of cultural tourism in the community as a hub to connect with other communities in the neighboring area. 3) Promote the extension of cultural tourism for the new generation. 4) Promote the integration and collaboration between government agencies, private and community. 5) Establishing a central database of outstanding and unique cultures and traditions of each community. Management of cultural tourism in Nakhon Nayok province arising from community participation can be done as follows 1) use the advisory committee who came from the government for management. 2) Management clearly separated into departments or departments. 3) Involvement of government agencies, private sector and people in the community. 4) The promotion of continuous and sustainable cultural tourism and expanding to other communities. 5) Community participation in managing community enterprises by using the same management principles as the community cooperative management.

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How to Cite
Lertputtarak, S., & Deeprom, N. . (2021). THE PATTERN OF CULTURAL TOURISM MANAGEMENT IN LOW-INCOME PROVINCES IN EASTERN OF THAILAND: A CASE STUDY OF NAKHON NAYOK PROVINCE. Journal of Graduate School of Commerce-Burapha Review, 16(2), 1–14. Retrieved from


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