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Chairoek Sornchareon
Suchanee Methiyothin


The study collects qualitative data by conducting in-depth interviews with a total of eight respondents including plant and vegetable exporters, the commercial attaché to China, Department of Foreign Trade personnel, and Department of Export Promotion personnel. Quantitative data is gathered from opinion questionnaires completed by lingzhi mushroom buyers based in four Chinese provinces, namely Chengdu, Xi’An, Guangzhou, and Yunnan. The data gathered shows that dried lingzhi slices are in the highest demand, and the R3B land route is the best option to have lingzhi mushrooms from the Project exported since it takes the shortest time and incurs relatively low transport costs. To analyse the relationship between key variables in the effectiveness of the R3B land route, multiple linear regression is performed while also factoring in the following variables: 1) the selection of pick-up routes 2) controls on lingzhi mushroom farming 3) dried lingzhi manufacturing process controls 4) storage procedures 5) the most appropriate logistic route 6) relevant rules and regulations of which Thai plant and vegetable exporters must be aware 7) problems or complications caused by the rules and regulations 8) the risks of exporting Thai lingzhi mushrooms.

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How to Cite
Sornchareon, C., & Methiyothin, S. (2020). EXPORT MODEL OF HIGHLAND LINGZHI TO CHAINA TRADE MARKET. Journal of Graduate School of Commerce-Burapha Review, 15(2), 60–75. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/GSC/article/view/240403


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