Characteristics of Physical Education Teachers in the 21st Century, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
characteristics, teacher’s physical education, the 21st century,, physical education studentsAbstract
The purpose of this research is to synthesize the characteristics of physical education teachers in the 21st century from the Faculty of Education at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. The study used a qualitative research methodology. The key informants consisted of 23 experts, selected through purposive sampling and the snowball sampling technique, and the selection criteria were those who had at least five years of experience in teaching physical education at the higher education level. The research instruments included a semi-structured interview form. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis, domain analysis and were validated with the triangulation technique by multiple analyst triangulation with three research assistants. The study found that appropriate characteristics of physical education teachers in the 21st century could be categorized into four facets (CPAT), consisting of: 1) content knowledge, consisting of content knowledge and research in the field of physical education, 2) pedagogy, consisting of physical education learning management, 3) attributes, consisting of spirituality of teacher, leadership, communication ability, and the ability to solve problems creatively; and 4) technology, consisting of digital literacy. The study can be used to develop a Bachelor of Education program in Physical Education, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, to produce graduates with learning skills and characteristics of teachers in the 21st century and competencies in line with professional teaching standards with quality.
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