The Need Assessment to Develop Quality Physical Education for Chumphon Physical Education Teachers


  • Wassayos sriunyoo Division of Physical Education, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University
  • Nattika Penglee Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University


Need Assessment, Quality Physical Education: QPE, Physical Education Teacher


The purpose of this research was to evaluate and analyze the causes of the need for developing quality physical education among physical education teachers in Chumphon Province. The research population included: 1) 167 physical education teachers employed in educational institutions under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, and 2) a sample group of 10 physical education teachers who participated in a focus group discussion. The research instruments were: 1) a questionnaire to identify the need for developing quality physical education, and 2) fishbone diagram recording forms. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and causal analysis was performed using the fishbone diagram technique. According to research findings, physical education teachers have identified the top 3 needs for developing quality physical education: 1) the classroom management aspect, which involves managing the classroom by preparing equipment, facilities, and physical spaces to be sufficient for students and suitable for activities; 2) the program and professional development aspect, which involves continuing education at a higher level in fields of study that contribute to the organization of physical education learning; and 3) the curriculum and lesson planning aspect, which involves designing appropriate physical education learning experiences based on students’ aptitudes and interests. An analysis of causes the need for developing quality physical education reveals that teachers have an excessive workload beyond teaching; the high number of students per classroom; the budget for supporting equipment and facilities is insufficient; and there is a lack of financial support and time for education and training.



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How to Cite

sriunyoo, W., & Penglee, N. (2024). The Need Assessment to Develop Quality Physical Education for Chumphon Physical Education Teachers. Journal of Education Studies, 52(3), EDUCU5203003. retrieved from